Now Closed – Byelaw 3 (Permit to Fish for Cockles and Mussels) Stakeholder Consultation – Now Closed

Clarification (Published 08/06/17)
The NWIFCA have received several requests to issue clarification on what is meant by a “Flexible Permit Scheme”. A Flexible Permit Scheme means the conditions of the permit may change fishery to fishery. The flexibility is not intended to relate to the numbers of permits available. A specific question about the management and number of permits is included in the consultation.

NWIFCA are reviewing Byelaw 3 (Permit to Fish for Cockles and Mussels) and are conducting an informal consultation with all stakeholders on the management measures to be included in the new byelaw.

Subject to consultation it is the IFCA’s intention that the new byelaw will regulate hand gathering of Cockles and Mussels across the district and will include a flexible permit scheme and the regulation of those buying cockles.

Where necessary the backgrounds to the measures reference other byelaws which are relevant.

This represents all stakeholders’ opportunity to have input into these management measures. The input will be reported to the Technical Science and Byelaws Sub-Committee (TSB) on the 8th August 2017.

NWIFCA will only consider written submissions and verbal/phone input cannot be considered.

NWIFCA request that you give your reasoning behind your answers.

The deadline for stakeholder input is the 2nd July 2017.


This consultation is now closed. Please do not submit any further responses as they cannot be considered.