Call for Interest in Collaborative Razor Clam Research

The North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority has complied a report which outlines the considerations that need to be taken before a commercial razor clam fishery can be permitted within the NWIFCA District.

The NWIFCA would now encourage the fishing industry to seek to collaborate with NWIFCA scientists, academic institutes and others to discuss whether it is possible to develop a research programme that would address the identified key gaps in knowledge.

Any potential collaborators are invited to contact Mandy Knott ([email protected]) at the NWIFCA before the end of March 2018, so that discussions can be convened and a report on the feasibility of progressing a research programme can be submitted to the May 2018 meeting of the Technical, Science & Byelaws Sub-Committee.

A full copy of the report is available for download below:

Razor Clams in the North Western IFCA District