Brian Leigh

MMO Appointee – Recreational Angling

Brian joined the committee in 2015 and represents recreational sea anglers in the region.  He lives in Bolton and is married with one son.  He is interested in ensuring that we can all enjoy a healthy and thriving inshore marine environment both now and in the future. He enjoys partnership working and is committed to the ongoing conservation of the inshore marine environment.

Brian is a lifelong sea angler who enjoys fishing from both shore and boat.  Whilst sea angling is his main hobby, he also enjoys travel and walking.

Brian first started work in the construction materials industry and progressed to a management programme with Hepworth plc.  On completion of his training, he worked in a supervisory role and technical management.  He moved into Local Government in 1984, working on construction projects and progressed into training management.  Brian subsequently held responsibility for elected member training and development prior to retiring in 2011.