New Draft Potting Byleaw For the North West
NWIFCA is carrying out informal consultation with all interested parties in a new Potting Permit Byelaw
This byelaw will cover both commercial and recreational potting activity, and catching crabs and lobsters from the shore. It will also cover potting for whelks and nephrops.
Copies of the draft Potting Byelaw, a Guidance document to the Byelaw, and a Questionnaire for fishers responses and comments / suggestions are available for download below or on request by email to [email protected] or by phone on 01524 727970.
Draft Potting Permit Byelaw Guidance
Questionnaire (.pdf) or Questionnaire (Word Document)
Come and tell us what you think!
Drop in 9.15 – 5.00pm on 12th November 2018
Wyre Room. Environment Agency. Lutra House.
Dodd Way Off Seedlee Road. Walton Summit Centre.
Bamber Bridge. Preston. PR5 8BX