Flookburgh and Leven Cockle Fisheries Closed as of 00:00 on 7th November 2018 (Updated 07/11/18)

On 6th November TSB approved the closure of the cockle fisheries at Flookburgh / Leven Sands.

Members were very concerned about the failure to adhere to the craam only regulation and the consequent concern that the Authority may be in breach of the Habitats Regulations Assessment for this fishery. A lot more cockle may have been fished than was expected and juvenile cockle and spat may have been reduced by use of rakes. A failure to comply with the HRA leaves the Authority open to challenge that the Morecambe Bay European Marine Site is not being properly managed.

Therefore, TSB members resolved to close the cockle bed with immediate effect. Surveys to assess remaining stock will be carried out. Should sufficient stock remain a revised Habitats Regulations Assessment will be required before any fishing could recommence.

Any questions about the fishery should be sent by post or email.