Technical, Science and Byelaw Meeting

Meeting of the Technical, Science & Byelaw Sub-Committee. The full agenda and supporting documents are available below:

Please note the change of venue to the Royal Station Hotel, Market Street, Carnforth, LA5 9BT

Click here to download the minutes to this meeting

Royal Station Hotel, Market Street, Carnforth, LA5 9BT
Agenda Item Lead Officer Supporting Documents
1.  Chairman’s Announcements Chairman
2.  Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest in Agenda items Chairman
3.  To receive the Minutes of the Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee meeting held on Chairman Minutes
4.  Matters Arising Chairman
5.  Science Summary Report Senior Scientist Report 5

Annex A

6.  Cockle and Mussel Permit Byelaw CEO Report 6
7.  Potting Permit Byelaw Senior Scientist Report 7

Annex A

Annex B

Annex C

Annex D

8.*District Whelk Fisheries Senior Scientist Report 8 (Public Version)
9. Potential razor clam research proposal with industry Senior Scientist Report 9
10. MMO report on Byelaw making CEO Report 10

Annex A

11. Ammendments to flexible permit conditions CEO Report 11
12. Landing Obligiations Chairman Verbal
13. A.O.B. Chariman

The public are excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item on the above Agenda in accordance with Section 100(A)(2) of the Local Government Act 1972.

8. District Whelk Fisheries