North Wirral Foreshore Bivalve Mollusc Emergency Byelaw 2020

North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority



The Authority for the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation District, in exercise of the power conferred by section 157 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 makes the following byelaw for that District.


1) In this byelaw

a) “the Authority” means the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority as defined in articles 3 and 4 of the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Order 2010 (S.l. 2010 No. 2200 );

b) “District” means the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation District as defined in articles 2 and 3 of the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Order 2010, and in the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation (Amendment) Order 2019 which came into force on 27th September 2019;

c)”fishery” means any area of sea, seabed, exposed estuary, seashore, or other marine environment in any part of the District;

d) “bivalve molluscan shellfish” means any species of bivalve mollusc;

e) “fish” or “fishing” includes all activities related to fishing by hand of bivalve molluscan shellfish or from a fishery in the District including harvesting, taking, moving and transporting;


2. A person must not remove any bivalve molluscan shellfish from within the area defined in the schedule.

3. No person shall have in their possession any article for use in the course or connection with fishing bivalve molluscan shellfish within or from a fishery in breach of this byelaw.


4. This byelaw does not apply to a person fishing for cockles or mussels under the regulations of NWIFCA Byelaw 3.

5. This byelaw does not apply to a person fishing for cockles or mussels under a permit issued pursuant to the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority “Restrictions on the use of a dredge byelaw 2017”.

6. This byelaw does not apply to any person performing an act that would otherwise constitute an offence against this byelaw if that act was carried out in accordance with a written permission issued by the Authority for scientific, management, stocking or breeding purposes.

I hereby certify that the NORTH WIRRAL FORESHORE BIVALVE MOLLUSC EMERGENCY BYELAW 2020 was made under section 157 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act (c.23) by the Chief Executive Officer and comes into force on the date of signature


CEO NWIFCA                                                                                   Date 3/6/2020
