URGENT – Defra Need to Know About Impacts on Export of Live Bivalve Molluscs to EU After 1st January 2021

Defra have asked IFCAs to ask all of our industry contacts who export or are planning to export live bivalve molluscs from England to the EU to get in touch with the FHI (Please contact the Fish Health Inspectorate by email at [email protected] or call 01305 206 700). It appears they may have under-estimated the impact that the lack of export certification for LBM from class B and C shellfish beds between beginning of January and 21st April, when new certification is due to be put in place, will have on the hand-gathering sector.

There is a perception that the majority of cockles are processed in the UK and therefore export certification will not impact heavily. IFCAs have been very clear with Defra this is not the case and there is a whole sector who will be seriously affected by the current situation. It is very important that they are given information on how this will affect you and your businesses. Please do not delay in getting in touch with them.

It is also suggested that you contact your customers in the EU and ask them if they are going to suffer losses they speak to the ports and legislators to ensure they are aware of the importance and urgency, and can bring some pressure at their end to get things put into place at the beginning of January.

Meanwhile the Fish Health Inspectorate (Cefas)  are currently in the process of informing industry of the changes to import / export processes for live aquatic animals for aquaculture and depuration (purification) at the end of the EU Exit Transition Period (from 1st January 2021).