FISP Funded project bid – Shrimp Fisheries in the North West

NWIFCA is looking to apply for the Fisheries Industry Science Partnership (FISP) Fund in collaboration with Industry representatives to investigate the decline of shrimp in the North West.

The project will aim to:

a) establish a baseline of current stock levels through trawl surveys carried out in partnership with industry


b) investigate causes of the decline such as (but not limited to) water quality, pollutants, salinity, temperature changes etc. by providing shrimp and water samples to Salford University.

We are looking for shrimp fishers who would be interested in taking part in the project, contributing to it’s design, conducting survey trials and providing samples. Should the bid be successful, funding will be available to cover associated costs and time.

Further information on Defra’s FISP Scheme can be found here: Invitation To Tender (pdf)

If you are interested in taking part, please contact Anna Plumeridge at [email protected] or call 07920 134 250 before the 11th of January 2023