NWIFCA cockle fisheries update

The Technical Science and Byelaw Subcommittee meeting on the 15th of August – it was resolved that:

  1. Southport cockle fishery will be opened subject to HRA.

NWIFCA are in the process of drafting a HRA and discussing with partner agencies the prospects of opening the fishery. Given the time frames of this work, the fishery will likely not be opened by the 1st of September. NWIFCA will update stakeholders on progress.

  1. All Morecambe Bay cockle beds will remain closed as of the 1st of September under Byelaw 3 paragraph 15.

The total biomass and density of size cockle across the Bay remains low in comparison to previous years. Further details of this year’s surveys and relevant reports are provided here: ( https://www.nw-ifca.gov.uk/survey-and-inspection-reports/)

  1. Flookburgh cockle bed will be re-surveyed prior to November to assess if undersize cockle has grown on to size.

Due to the presence of significant biomass of undersize cockle on the bed, the Authority resolved for officers to re-survey to identify if any of this reaches size. Flookburgh remains closed as of the 1st of September under Byelaw 3 paragraph 15, and will be reviewed subject to survey results.

  1. Leasowe cockle bed will remain closed as of the 1st of September under Byelaw 3 paragraph 15.

Information on this year survey results, details of the analysis and recommendations taken to the Authority are provided here: (https://www.nw-ifca.gov.uk/events/technical-science-and-byelaws-sub-committee-2/)