Penfold Cockle Fishery – Byelaw 3 Permit Holders’ Consultation

North Western IFCA are seeking views from our Byelaw 3 permit holders on how best to ensure the Penfold cockle fishery off Southport can be opened this year. From discussions with partner agencies, we have not been able to identify a suitable site for parking vehicles or for “tonning up” operations when cockles are brought off the bed. This is because the previously used location at RSPB Marshside can no longer be used due to concerns around damage to the SSSI. RSPB have indicated they are willing to allow fishers to access the bed on quad bikes via the usual track, but no vehicles must be parked on the track for any period. The Authority has explored the use of the old Pilkington Glass site next to the usual access point on Marine Drive, but this is also not viable.

This leaves no apparent realistic options for the siting of “tonning up” operations associated with the fishery. We have had representations from permit holders suggesting access to the beds via boats, launched from Lytham or any other appropriate locations in the vicinity. We wish to seek views from permit holders on the use of boats to access the fishery and whether there are any other alternative options or sites that we might consider to ensure a fishery can go ahead this season and in years to come.

If you have any suggestions, please contact the Authority at [email protected] or on 01524 727970 by 29th September 2023.