Consultation into Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities’ (IFCAs) conduct and operations 2018-2022

DEFRA have opened the consultation on the conduct and operations of IFCAs.

A statutory report by the Secretary of State into the conduct and operation of the ten Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCA’s) every four years, is prepared and laid before Parliament.

This is the third report and will cover the period from September 2018 to September 2022.  The report will assess the IFCA’s against their five high level objectives set out in the IFCA Vision and Success Criteria document set out in the 2014-2018 Conduct and Operations Report on the IFCAs.

Success Criterion 1: Communications and Engagement

  • IFCAs are recognised and heard, balancing the economic needs of the fishery whilst working in partnership and engaging with stakeholders.

Success Criterion 2: Compliance and Enforcement

  • IFCAs implement a fair, effective, and proportionate enforcement regime.

Success Criterion 3: Management measures

  • IFCAs use evidence based and appropriate measures to manage the sustainable exploitation of sea fisheries resources and deliver marine environmental protection within their districts.

Success Criterion 4: Governance and Training

  • IFCAs have appropriate governance in place and staff are trained and professional.

Success Criterion 5: Evidence and Science

  • IFCAs make the best use of evidence to deliver their objectives.

Your opportunity to contribute to the report

The feedback you provide in response to this consultation will contribute to the content of the third quadrennial conduct and operations report.This report will cover the period from September 2018 to the end of August 2022.  The evidence you provide should only relate to this period.

This Citizen Space consultation invites contributions of evidence to a series of questions, structured around the IFCA Success Criteria. The Success Criteria form the basis of the IFCAs’ Annual Plans and Reports.  IFCA Committees hold their executive and officers to account against these performance measures.  The Citizen Space consultation is aimed at representatives of organisations who wish to provide a coordinated response, as well as for members of the public.

To Participate

Please visit Report to Parliament about Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities’ (IFCAs) conduct and operations 2018-2022 – Defra – Citizen Space

If you work closely with just one or a small number of IFCAs a different survey tailored for specific groups is available.  Please contact [email protected] if you consider that the additional survey would be more appropriate for your use.