Seed mussel fisheries in Morecambe Bay

Proposals are currently being developed to a) extend the existing subtidal South America and Falklands seed mussel dredge authorisation box (see South America and Falklands HRA below for information on the current fishery) and b) to open designated intertidal areas at Perch Scar and Black Scar to seed mussel dredge fishing. These proposals will be discussed in full with stakeholders and stakeholder interest groups at the BMWG meeting on Monday 8th August and at the Technical, Scientific and Byelaw (TSB) meeting on Tuesday 9th August.

To express an interest in persecuting any of these seed mussel fisheries, by dredge, or hand gathering (byelaw 3 permit holders only), please email [email protected] (preferred), telephone 01524 727970 and/or contact your BMWG or TSB representative to voice your interest at the meeting(s).