Cockle fisheries in the NWIFCA district

Cockle surveys across the District have shown that although there are cockle beds with dense stocks, the majority of this stock has not yet reached size. Informal consultation with Byelaw 3 permit holders shows that there is support for a recommendation NOT to open the beds at the end of the Seasonal Closure, but to allow it to grow on. Science officers will re-survey the beds in September, and provide the Authority with the results. This was discussed with the Bivalve Mollusc Working Group on 8th August where all stakeholders agreed to this course of action.

Following approval by the Technical, Science and Byelaws Sub-committee meeting on 9th August NWSFC Byelaw 13a and CSFC Byelaw 18 Closures will be instigated on the cockle beds within the District from 00.01hrs on 1st September, subject to review. Any opening of the cockle beds will be subject to Habitats Regulations Assessment.