Byelaw 3 Prospecting

Before submitting a request for an authorisation to go prospecting on a closed cockle bed, please read NWIFCA’s Prospecting Policy below for full details.

NWIFCA Prospecting Policy for Byelaw 3 Permit Holders

Any Byelaw 3 permit holders wishing to inspect and / or take any samples from any closed cockle bed within the district must seek and receive authorisation from us prior to doing so. The form below must be used to submit a request for authorisation, which will then be assessed by officers and the applicant then notified in writing (likely email or text) as to whether or not they are authorised to prospect. Phone calls or emails to the Authority will not be accepted as a request for authorisation.

Please note, this policy has been updated to require explicit authorisation from an officer of the Authority, rather than a simple requirement for fishers to notify us of an intention to go out prospecting. Byelaw 3 permit holders must not undertake any prospecting activities without prior written authorisation from an officer; appropriate enforcement action may be taken against any who do.