North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Byelaws
Byelaw | Title |
NWIFCA Byelaw 1 | Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes |
NWIFCA Byelaw 2 | North Wirral Foreshore Molluscs |
NWIFCA Byelaw 3 Current Flexible Permit Conditions –Flookburgh/Leven March –Flookburgh/Leven April –Pilling March –Pilling April | Permit to Fish for Cockles and Mussels |
NWIFCA Byelaw 4 Current Flexible Permit Conditions | Potting Permit |
NWIFCA Byelaw 5 | Heysham Bass Nursery Area Prohibition of Fishing. |
NWIFCA Byelaw 6 | Protection for European Marine Site Features |
NWIFCA Dredge Byelaw | Restrictions on Use of a Dredge |
NWIFCA Foul Hooking Byelaw | Prohibition of Foul Hooking |
North Western Sea Fisheries Committee Byelaws
The limits of the old North Western Sea Fisheries District can be found here.
Byelaw | Title |
NWSFC Byelaw 1 | The District |
NWSFC Byelaw 2 | Attachments to Nets |
NWSFC Byelaw 3 | Prohibition on Seine Netting |
NWSFC Byelaw 6 | Shrimp and Prawns – Restriction on Fishing |
NWSFC Byelaw 7 | Mesh Sizes – Nets Other than Trawl Nets |
NWSFC Byelaw 8 | Small Mesh Nets – Other than Trawl Nets – Restrictions |
NWSFC Byelaw 9 | Mechanically Propelled Vessels |
NWSFC Byelaw 10 | Set and Drift Nets |
NWSFC Byelaw 11 | Marking of nets and lines |
NWSFC Byelaw 26 | Fixed Engines – Prohibitions and Authorisations (England) |
NWSFC Byelaw 27 | Mobile Nets – Prohibitions and Authorisations (England) |
NWSFC Byelaw 28 | Application of Byelaws |
Cumbria Sea Fisheries Committee Byelaws
The limits of the old Cumbria Sea Fisheries District can be found here.
Byelaw | Title |
CSFC Byelaw 1 | Revocation of Byelaws Heretofore in Force |
CSFC Byelaw 2 | Authority to Make Byelaws |
CSFC Byelaw 3 | Size Limit of Boats Allowed Inside the District |
CSFC Byelaw 4 | Marking and siting of fixed nets and lines |
CSFC Byelaw 7 | Winkles – Method of Fishing and Minimum Size |
CSFC Byelaw 10 | Fixed Engine Fishery |
CSFC Byelaw 13 | Multi-rigged Trawling Gear |
CSFC Byelaw 14 | Shrimps or Prawns |
CSFC Byelaw 15 | Vessels With a Registered Engine Power > 221kw |
CSFC Byelaw 19 | Application of Byelaws |
CSFC Byelaw 20 | For the Protection of Immature Plaice – Minimum Mesh Sizes |
National Rivers Authority Byelaws
Byelaw | Title |
NRA Byelaw 1 | Application of Byelaws |
NRA Byelaw 2 | Interpretation |
NRA Byelaw 5 | Use of Instruments |
NRA Byelaw 7 | Protection for Certain Acts |
National Rivers Authority Byelaws – Regulating Fishing for Shellfish in the River Dee and its Estuary
Byelaw | Title |
NRA Dee Byelaw 1 | Application of Byelaws |
NRA Dee Byelaw 2 | Interpretation |
NRA Dee Byelaw 6 | Shellfishery – Temporary Closure |
NRA Dee Byelaw 8 | Introduction of Shellfish |
NRA Dee Byelaw 11 | Protection of Shellfish Beds |
NRA Dee Byelaw 12 | Use of Nets – Beam Trawl or Otter Trawl |
NRA Dee Byelaw 13 | Mechanically Propelled Vehicles |
Environment Agency Byelaws
Byelaw | Title |
EA Sea Fisheries Byelaw | Sea Fisheries Regulation Act 1966 Byelaw |