
North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Byelaws

NWIFCA Byelaw 1Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes
NWIFCA Byelaw 2North Wirral Foreshore Molluscs
NWIFCA Byelaw 3 

Current Flexible Permit Conditions
Flookburgh/Leven March
Flookburgh/Leven April
Pilling March
Pilling April
Permit to Fish for Cockles and Mussels
NWIFCA Byelaw 4

Current Flexible Permit Conditions
Potting Permit
NWIFCA Byelaw 5Heysham Bass Nursery Area Prohibition of Fishing.
NWIFCA Byelaw 6Protection for European Marine Site Features
NWIFCA Dredge ByelawRestrictions on Use of a Dredge
NWIFCA Foul Hooking ByelawProhibition of Foul Hooking

North Western Sea Fisheries Committee Byelaws

The limits of the old North Western Sea Fisheries District can be found here.

NWSFC Byelaw 1The District
NWSFC Byelaw 2Attachments to Nets
NWSFC Byelaw 3Prohibition on Seine Netting
NWSFC Byelaw 6Shrimp and Prawns – Restriction on Fishing
NWSFC Byelaw 7Mesh Sizes – Nets Other than Trawl Nets
NWSFC Byelaw 8Small Mesh Nets – Other than Trawl Nets – Restrictions
NWSFC Byelaw 9Mechanically Propelled Vessels
NWSFC Byelaw 10Set and Drift Nets
NWSFC Byelaw 11Marking of nets and lines
NWSFC Byelaw 26Fixed Engines – Prohibitions and Authorisations (England)
NWSFC Byelaw 27Mobile Nets – Prohibitions and Authorisations (England)
NWSFC Byelaw 28Application of Byelaws

Cumbria Sea Fisheries Committee Byelaws

The limits of the old Cumbria Sea Fisheries District can be found here.

CSFC Byelaw 1Revocation of Byelaws Heretofore in Force
CSFC Byelaw 2Authority to Make Byelaws
CSFC Byelaw 3Size Limit of Boats Allowed Inside the District
CSFC Byelaw 4Marking and siting of fixed nets and lines
CSFC Byelaw 7Winkles – Method of Fishing and Minimum Size
CSFC Byelaw 10Fixed Engine Fishery
CSFC Byelaw 13Multi-rigged Trawling Gear
CSFC Byelaw 14Shrimps or Prawns
CSFC Byelaw 15Vessels With a Registered Engine Power > 221kw
CSFC Byelaw 19Application of Byelaws
CSFC Byelaw 20For the Protection of Immature Plaice – Minimum Mesh Sizes

National Rivers Authority Byelaws

NRA Byelaw 1Application of Byelaws
NRA Byelaw 2Interpretation
NRA Byelaw 5Use of Instruments
NRA Byelaw 7Protection for Certain Acts

National Rivers Authority Byelaws – Regulating Fishing for Shellfish in the River Dee and its Estuary

NRA Dee Byelaw 1Application of Byelaws
NRA Dee Byelaw 2Interpretation
NRA Dee Byelaw 6Shellfishery – Temporary Closure
NRA Dee Byelaw 8Introduction of Shellfish
NRA Dee Byelaw 11Protection of Shellfish Beds
NRA Dee Byelaw 12Use of Nets – Beam Trawl or Otter Trawl
NRA Dee Byelaw 13Mechanically Propelled Vehicles

Environment Agency Byelaws

EA Sea Fisheries ByelawSea Fisheries Regulation Act 1966 Byelaw