Technical, Science and Byelaws Meeting

Meeting of the Technical, Science & Byelaw Sub-Committee. The full agenda and supporting documents are available below.

Digital Meeting Details

The meeting will be streamed live to YouTube for public viewing. You can view the stream at the following link: View Live Stream on YouTube.

If you wish to submit a comment on an Agenda Item or speak at the meeting please contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone on 01524 727970.

Click here to download the minutes of this meeting (pdf).


Digital Via Zoom at 10:00 on 3rd November 2020 (Click this link to view live on YouTube)
Agenda Item (View agenda as pdf) Lead Officer Supporting Documents
1.  Chairman’s Announcements & Video Conference Protocals Chair
2.  Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest in Agenda items Chair
3.  To receive the Minutes of the Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee meeting held on Chair Minutes
4.  Matters Arising (including Chair’s Summary of Actions) Chair
5.  Byelaw Report

a. Potting Byelaw

b) NWIFCA Byelaw 3

c) Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes Byelaw


Senior Scientist


Head of Enforcement




View Item 5c Report (pdf)

View Item 5c Annex A (pdf)

6.  Byelaw Review including Annexes A, B and C CEO View Item 6 Report (pdf)
7.  Nephrops Creels Study – Cumbria Wildlife Trust

Annex A Creel Pilot Study 2019 Report

Senior Scientist View Item 7 Report (pdf)

View Item 7 Annex A (pdf)

8.  Leasowe Clams Report

Annex A Leasowe Clam Survey

Senior Scientist View Item 8 Report (pdf)

View Item 8 Annex A (pdf)

9.   Morecambe Bay Chinese Mitten Crab Issue

Annex A NWIFCA CMC Poster October 2020

Senior Scientist View Item 9 Report (pdf)

View Item 9 Annex A (pdf)

10. Survey and Inspection Reports

Annex A Leasowe Clam Survey

Senior Scientist View Item 10 Report (pdf)

View Item 10 Annex A (pdf)

11. Science Report

Annex A South America Seed Mussel Interim Report

Senior Scientist View Item 11 Report (pdf)

View Item 11 Annex A (pdf)

12. Government Consultation on Fisheries Post Brexit Senior Scientist/CEO View Item 12 Report (pdf)
13. Any Other Business