(External) Across the Sands of Dee 2019

Please note this is an external event and all enquirys should be directed to the event organizers.

Across the Sands of Dee 2019 is an exciting opportunity for people with an interest in the Dee Estuary and Liverpool Bay to gain insight into marine planning in advance of the consultation on the draft north west marine plans later this year, and to input their views into a developing National Lottery Heritage Fund bid for the Dee Estuary.

As well as an update on progress on the north west marine plans and the Welsh National Marine Plan participants will have an opportunity to get hands-on with marine planning by playing the Maritime Spatial Planning Challenge board game – a ‘serious’ game developed by the Dutch Government and NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences that uses game technology and role-play to support communication and learning for marine planning. The version we will be using is Liverpool University’s Sustainable Coasts and Oceans edition. For more information see: http://www.mspchallenge.info/sustainable-coasts–oceans-edition-2017.html. The game is played in teams and no prior knowledge is needed – all will be explained on the day!

The second workshop session will explore proposals for a Dee Estuary-wide project – Dee Coastliners. Dee Coastliners is a Tidal Dee Catchment Partnership project led by Cheshire Wildlife Trust and supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. In this particular workshop we will focus on cross-border working including future needs and aspirations. The programme is below.

Participation in this event can help to meet continuing professional development needs.

This event is being delivered by the North West Coastal Forum as part of the Marine Management Organisation’s Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement project, funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.
The workshop is free to attend but places are limited so booking is essential. Please book, by Monday 2nd September, using Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/across-the-sands-of-dee-2019-tickets67493445713

Across the Sands of Dee 2019 Provisional* Programme

09:45 Registration

10:15 Introduction & Welcome Dave McAleavy, Conference Chair & Chair of the North West Coastal Forum

10:20 Implementing Marine Planning – Progress in England and Wales:

The North West Marine Plans Ed Wright, Marine Management Organisation

The Welsh National Marine Plan Rachel Mulholland, Cefas, on behalf of Welsh Government

11:00 Questions

11:10 Coffee break

11:30 Break out into Parallel Workshops:

Group 1: Marine Planning Challenge Game

Introduction to the Marine Planning Challenge Gaming Session

Sue Kidd & Stephen Jay, Liverpool University

Marine Planning Challenge Game

Group 2: Developing the Dee Coastliners Project: Cross-border Partnership Working

Introduction to the Dee Coastliners Project

Sarah Bennett, Cheshire Wildlife Trust

Cross-Border Partnership Working

Lucy Taylor, Severn Estuary Partnership

Dee Coastliners Workshop


13:15 Lunch and networking

14:00 Workshops sessions swap over and continue:

Group 1: Developing the Dee Coastliners Project: Cross-border Partnership Working

Introduction to the Dee Coastliners Project

Sarah Bennett, Cheshire Wildlife Trust

Cross-Border Partnership Working

Lucy Taylor, Severn Estuary Partnership

Dee Coastliners Workshop

Group 2: Marine Planning Challenge Game

Introduction to the Marine Planning Challenge Gaming Session

Sue Kidd & Stephen Jay, Liverpool University

Marine Planning Challenge Game


15:45 Plenary: feedback from both workshops and discussion

16:15 Summing up and next steps Caroline Salthouse, NWCF

16:25 Closing thoughts Conference Chair

16:30 Event Close