Technical, Science and Byelaws Meeting

Quarterly meeting of the Technical, Science and Byelaws Subcommittee. The agenda and papers are available in the table below.

Digital Meeting Details

The meeting will be streamed live to YouTube for public viewing. Watch the meeting on YouTube (opens new window).

If you wish to submit a comment on an Agenda Item or speak at the meeting please contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone on 01524 727970 in advance of the meeting.

Click here to view minutes of this meeting (pdf).

Digital Via Zoom at 10:00 on 09/02/21
Agenda Item (View agenda as pdf) Lead Officer Supporting Documents
1.  Chairman’s Announcements & Video Conference Protocols Chair
2.  Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest in Agenda items Chair
3.  To receive the Minutes of the Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee meeting held on 3rd November 2020 Chair Minutes
4.  Matters Arising Chair
5.  Byelaw Review
a) Byelaw Progress Update
b) Next Priorities
CEO Report 5 (pdf)
6.  Science Report (including Mussel Management Plan and Survey Schedule) Acting Senior Scientist Report 6 (pdf)
7.  Brexit: Impact on Fisheries CEO Verbal