Cancelled – Technical, Science and Byelaws Meeting

On May 7th 2021 legislation allowing for virtual local government meetings expired. Therefore, the proposed meeting to be held on 18th May 2021 should be held at a physical location.

Unfortunately as a Covid secure location could not be found in time, the meeting has had to be cancelled.

Meeting Details

If you wish to submit a comment on an Agenda Item or speak at the meeting please contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone on 01524 727970.


This Meeting will be held at 10:00 on Thursday 18th May Venue TBC
Agenda Item Lead Officer Supporting Documents
1.  Chairman’s Announcements Chair
2.  Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest in Agenda items Chair
3.  To receive the Minutes of the Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee meeting held on 9th February 2021

a) To receive the Minutes of the Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee meeting held on 11th August 2020

Chair Minutes
4.  Matters Arising Chair
5.  Byelaw Review Update

a) Byelaw 3

b) Byelaw 4

c) Netting Byelaw

d) North Wirral Foreshore Bivalve Mollusc Byelaw

e) MCRS Byelaw



Acting Senior Scientist

Head of Enforcement

Head of Enforcement

Head of Enforcement




Report 5c



6.   Byelaw Strategy Chair/Vice Chair Report 6
7.   Survey and Inspection Report (including Byelaw 3 Consultation Responses) Acting Senior Scientist Report 7
8.   Science Report Acting Senior Scientist Report 8

Annex A

9.   AOB Chair