Marine Developments
The North East Irish Sea has been, and continues to be, an area that attracts a large amount of coastal and offshore development. There is very little of the seabed that remains untouched by windfarm turbines, gas rig, communications and energy cabling, rock armouring and MOD ordnance. Along with coastal development large areas have been subject to sea defences. Each of these affects the natural marine ecosystems and impacts on fishing activity. For example the natural sandy and muddy seafloor is being changed gradually in parts by the amount of scour protection and rock armouring, resulting in a change of habitats, which may attract different species.
Science officers regularly report to the Authority on engagement, liaison and consultation carried out during the lead-in and development stages. At times they facilitate face-to-face dialogue with the fishing community.
Marine Licensing
You need a Marine Licence if you wish to perform certain activities at sea. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) handles all Marine Licensing. NWIFCA are statutory consultees on all Marine Licence proposals within our district. Our Science Team respond to these consultations with a particular emphasis on possible impacts on fisheries resources. Depending on the proposal, officers may consult our committee members before commenting.
More information on Marine Licensing is available on the MMO website.
Marine Planning
The MMO is developing Marine Plans for eleven marine areas around England, including the North West. The plans aim to encourage the sustainable use of resources, identify areas for future development and help people find the best location for their activities. You can find out more about Marine Plans on the MMO’s website here.