Technical, Science and Byelaw meeting – 1st November 2016

Agenda for the Technical, Science and Byelaws Committee meeting held on 1st November 2016 – Strathmore Hotel, Morecambe, LA4 5AP at 10:00 am

Strathmore Hotel, Marine Road East, Morecambe, LA4 5AP – 10:00 am
Agenda ItemLead OfficerSupporting Documents
1.  Chairman’s AnnouncmentsChairman 
2.  Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest in Agenda itemsChairman 
3.  To receive the Minutes of the Technical, Science and Byelaw Sub-Committee meeting held on 9th August 2016ChairmanReport No: 3
4.  Matters ArisingChairman 
5.  Byelaw 11 – Permit to Dredge ByelawCEOReport No: 5
6.  Cockle and Mussel FisheriesSenior ScientistReport No: 6
7.  Heysham Flat – Protection of Sabellaria alveolata reefScience TeamReport No: 7
8.  West of Walney MCZ Management OptionsCEOReport No: 8
9. Science ReportScience TeamReport No: 9
10. Any Other BusinessChairman