Allonby Bay Anchoring Byelaw – MMO Consultation
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) are hosting a consultation period for their proposed byelaw that will prohibit any anchoring activity in the Allonby Bay Highly Protected Marine Area (HPMA). This byelaw aims to protect and facilitate the full recovery of all habitats, species and ecosystem process within the HPMA.
Formal consultation on the proposed byelaw will run from 11th March to 7th April 2025.
To read the official consultation letter please follow the link below.
How to get involved
You can get involved by completing the online survey no later than 7th April.
If you are not able to access the above survey, you can respond via the details below. The MMO would prefer if stakeholders could use email rather than post if possible.
By email: [email protected]
By telephone: 0300 123 1032
In writing:
Allonby Bay HPMA Anchoring Byelaw Formal Consultation
Marine Conservation Team
Marine Management Organisation
Lancaster House
Newcastle upon Tyne
Online Workshop
Stakeholders are also invited to attend an online workshop 1-2pm on 1st April 2025. This workshop will provide an opportunity for those interested to learn more about the MMO’s assessment of marine non-licensable, recreational and anchoring activities in Allonby Bay HPMA and the proposed management measure to prohibit anchoring throughout the site. To attend this workshop, please register via