All byelaw 3 permit holders are reminded that the cockle closed season commences on 1 May. No cockle fishing in the District is permitted from 1 May to 31 August 2021.
Fishing for mussel above the Minimum Conservation Reference Size (45mm length) is permitted.
Fishing for undersize (seed) mussel is not permitted anywhere in the District. Seed mussel areas may be opened later in the year subject to survey and HRA. Announcements of openings will be on the website as usual.
Following the recent consultation on whether to allow cockle fishing in May, the Authority has considered responses from byelaw 3 permit holders and concluded that all cockle beds should shut as planned on 1st May 2021. Feedback from permit holders in the consultation will be discussed at the Technical, Science and Byelaws Subcommittee on Tuesday 18th May.
NWIFCA will continue to assess the cockle stocks within the district and further consider management options for any potential opening of cockle beds for the 2021/2022 season.