The byelaw described below has been approved and made by the Authority. In accordance with Defra’s byelaw making process the Authority must now advertise the byelaw and provide a consultation period before it can be signed by the Minister to bring it into force.
Byelaw 1 Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes 2021
The byelaw prohibits the removal, transshipment, landing, transport storage and sale of fish below specified sizes for the main species caught within the NWIFCA District. Exceptions for commercial fishing for certain pelagic shoaling species and for herring caught with a correctly set whitebait filter net are defined.
Links to a full copy of the byelaw and Regulatory Impact Assessment is provided in the next section.
If you wish to comment or object to the byelaw please see the instructions below.
The consultation closes on Friday 5th March 2021.
Copies of the Byelaw and How to Comment
View Byelaw 1: Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes (pdf)
View the Regulatory Impact Assessment for Byelaw 1: Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes (pdf)
Printed copies of the full byelaw are available from NWIFCA, 1, Preston Street, CARNFORTH, Lancashire, LA5 9BY. Any person who wishes to object to the confirmation of the byelaw must send a statement of their objection in writing to the Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team, Marine Management Organisation, P.O. Box 1275, Newcastle, NE99 5BN (or [email protected]), and the North Western IFCA at NWIFCA, 1, Preston Street, CARNFORTH, Lancashire, LA5 9BY (or [email protected]) by Friday 5th March 2021.
If you require any further assistance please contact the Carnforth Office.