Consultation – Mussel Minimum Landing Size

Call to all Byelaw 3 permit holders and relevant stakeholders to consult on mussel minimum landing size.

At the Technical Science and Byelaw meeting held on the 10th of May 2022, the Authority was asked to consider a reduction to the current minimum landing size (MLS) of mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the District from 45 mm to 40 mm.

The purpose of this consultation is to determine the thoughts of Byelaw 3 permit holders and relevant members of industry on a potential reduction in the MLS of mussels. It also offers the opportunity for industry members to provide the Authority with any additional information they believe to be relevant to this matter.

We ask that all relevant members of industry complete the questionnaire provided, and return their responses to the Authority by the 17th of July. 

The consultation questionnaire is provided below:

Click here to complete the Questionnaire through our website

Mussel MLS Questionnaire (doc)

All responses will be anonymized and presented as aggregate data.

Questionnaires can be returned by post to:

North Western IFCA
1 Preston Street

Or, by email to: [email protected].

If you have any queries regarding the questionnaire, please contact the science office on 01524 727970 (option 3) or email at [email protected]