North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan
Since 2016 the Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan has been developed with stakeholders, providing a robust and evidence-based plan that is tailored to the economic, environmental and social needs of the north west inshore and offshore marine plan areas.
The Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan will help to make sure the right activities occur in the right place, at the right time, and in the right way placing sustainable development at the centre of all decisions. The plan will provide a framework that will shape and inform decisions over how the areas’ waters are developed, protected and improved over the next 20 years. In doing so, the draft plans will help to safeguard and enhance the marine environment, improve the well-being of coastal communities and support a strong marine economy. The Draft Marine Plan will contribute to achievement of the Marine Policy Statement.
Once the formal consultation period starts, the Consultation Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan become a material consideration in decision-making.
During this consultation period, the following documents will be presented for the public to consult on:
- The Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan (which includes the plan’s vision, objectives and policies)
- The Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Technical Annex (which includes further detail on policy implementation and must be read alongside the Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans to implement the plan policies)
- The Draft Sustainability Appraisal
The Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan is also supported by a Habitats Regulations Assessment, which has been completed, and for which there are three reports: Pre-Screening, Screening and Appropriate Assessment Information Report.
Why are the MMO Consulting
In accordance with the requirements of Schedule 6 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (link opens in a new window), the Marine Management Organisation are delighted to announce that the consultation on the Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan, and Sustainability Appraisal, will be between 14th January – 6th April 2020.
The MMO are also asking for your views on the Draft North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Technical Annex.
The public consultation is the final stage in the planning process to comment before the MMO complete drafting of the North West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan and submit the plan to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for approval to adopt and publish. It is your last chance to make representations on the plan policies, to ensure they reflect local issues and that they are implementable.
Documents and More Information
You can find further information on the MMO’s website:
Click here to go to the download page for the North West Marine Plan
Click here to go to the consultation page for the North West Marine Plan