Leven and Flookburgh Craam Only Cockle Fishery

Authorisation Now Revoked

Leven and Flookburgh will open to Byelaw 3 Permit holders as a craam only cockle fishery on 8/10/18. The full authorisation can be seen below or downloaded here: Leven and Flookburgh Craam Cockle Fishery 2018

Please note: Officers are considering the logistics of opening the Pilling fishery and it will be referred back to the Technical, Science and Byelaws Subcommittee for a decision

Issue Date: 8th October 2018

Expiry Date: REVOKED effective 7/11/18

Update to Authorisation 11th October 2018

The authorisation has been changed to to prohibit the carriage, possession and use of any rake. See condition e for full details.

Update to Authorisation 25th October 2018

The authorisation has been changed to specify monthly returns.

All Current Byelaw 3 Permit Holders

All current Byelaw 3 permit holders are hereby authorised to remove size cockle from Flookburgh and Leven cockle beds in accordance with this authorisation and are responsible for complying with the conditions given below at Paragraphs 1 and 2

1. Conditions of Authorisation to Remove Cockle

This authorisation is issued subject to the following conditions.

a) The authorisation is valid only for current Byelaw 3 permit holders.

b) Removal of size cockle is permitted only during the period 8th October 2018 to 30th April 2019.

c) That size cockle is only gathered from Flookburgh and Leven cockle beds.

d) That cockles are only gathered using a craam as defined in Annex A, and jumbo no more than 182cm (6 foot) in length and 35cm (14 inches) as measured from its extremities including any extensions.

e) The carriage, possession or use of any rake is prohibited, including cut down rakes.

f) Access to and from the Leven Sands and Flookburgh fishery will be via the hard core track off Moor Lane (West Plain) (SD 36892 74153) only, as defined in Paragraph 2.

g) Access to and from the fishery is permitted for ATV and tractors only.

h) There shall be no parking of any vehicle or tonning up carried out on the beach, saltmarsh or hard core track at any of the Flookburgh and Leven Fisheries.

i) Care must be taken while driving to ensure the safety of livestock, pedestrians and other people using the road, track or beach.

j) All gatherers must be in possession of a valid NWIFCA Byelaw 3 permit, which must be carried at all times whilst accessing the fishery. Permits must be shown to warranted NWIFCA Enforcement Officers on request, or any other person acting under the supervision or direction of an Enforcement Officer (MACAA. s.260(2)).

k) NWIFCA Byelaw 3 permit holders must not obstruct an IFCO pursuant to MACAA s292(4) carrying out a relevant function pursuant to MACAA s287.

l) All Byelaw 3 permit holders must submit returns to NWIFCA on a weekly basis including nil returns.

m) The fishery may be closed with immediate effect by the NWIFCA, or appropriate management action taken if in the opinion of NWIFCA Officers or Scientists, there is a failure to comply with these conditions or there is damage to the beds or the saltmarsh through access or over-fishing, or there are high levels of disturbance to the birds and a risk of adverse effect identified to the European Site.

n) Any damage to conservation features could lead to prosecution by Natural England;

o) NWIFCA may close the fishery during periods of cold weather following an assessment undertaken by officers and with advice from Natural England of the risk to SPA features if cold weather is predicted to be below zero for more than 12 hours a day for 5 consecutive days.

p) This authorisation does not exonerate the holder from other sea fisheries legislation, nor does it prejudice any other consents the holder may need to obtain, nor does it override or provide permission to go over private land.

2. Definition of Access Point

Flookburgh and Leven Sands Access Point

Access only via the hard core track off Moor Lane (West Plain) – Grid reference SD 36892 74153). No parking or tonning up on this track the beach or the saltmarsh.

This authorisation may be revoked by the NWIFCA at any time and any breach of the terms or conditions of this authorisation shall make it null and void.

By Order of the Authority,


Chief Executive

Annex A

Definition of a craam:

A short handled three pronged fork, as illustrated in the photograph below. The use of a cut down three pronged rake used to rake the cockles is prohibited.