Lockdown Guidance for Anglers

In accordance with government guidelines, angling is a permitted activity to be undertaken with the following rules:

  • Gatherings of more than 2 people (from different households) are not permitted. The regulations are clear – you can only leave home to fish with members of your own household, your support bubble or with one other individual, following government social distancing guidelines at all times.
  • Mass events, such as sporting events are banned. (i.e. fishing competitions, matches)
  • Local fishing only – anglers must follow current government guidance on travel for the benefit of recreational activity. Long journeys should be avoided wherever possible.
  • There are no limits on the time that can be spent on outdoor recreation which means that anglers are able to continue fishing into and through the hours of darkness providing the other rules are observed.

Sea anglers should focus on their local beaches and fishing marks and freshwater anglers should not be travelling hundreds of miles in search of fishing during lockdown.