MMO Opens Formal Consultation on Proposed Management of Commercial Fishing in the West of Walney MCZ

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has launched a formal consultation on proposed new management measures to prohibit bottom towed fishing gear within West of Walney Marine conservation Zone (MCZ) as a result of the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ (Defra) revised approach to managing fisheries in marine protected areas (MPA). The consultation will run from 08 May until the 13 July 2018.

As part of the consultation MMO is asking for comments on the draft byelaw, associated impact assessment and the sites fisheries assessment. Information about this consultation can be found here.

All responses from the formal public consultation will be considered, and if appropriate, MMO will amend the draft byelaw before either making the byelaw, or consulting on the amended draft byelaw.

Further information about these consultations can be found at Information can also be requested from [email protected].