Morecambe Cockle Fisheries Update – Pilling Cockle Fishery to Open on 13th September 2021 – Newbiggin to Remain Closed

NWIFCA have received formal advice on the Pilling and Newbiggin cockle fishery HRA. After a requirement for further information to be provided on previous years cockle stock and landings and additional assessment on a number of SPA features, which from BTO WeBS data are down in numbers in 2020, a fishery at Pilling would be HRA compliant and the NWSFC Byelaw 13A closure will be removed as of 00:01 Monday 13th September 2021.

When considering the potential impacts of opening both Pilling and Newbiggin the conclusion of the HRA was that the fisheries would not be HRA compliant, as there would not be sufficient cockle in varied size ranges on the remainder of the closed beds for bird food requirements and therefore Newbiggin will remain closed.

Additionally there have been reports from industry and IFCOs of a spat settlement on parts of Flookburgh, Leven and Pilling which has been incorporated into the amended HRA.

For further information please contact the office.