NWIFCA Netting Byelaw Consultation

North Western IFCA recently made its new Netting Byelaw at its Annual General Meeting on 26th September 2024. Please note, by ‘making’ the byelaw, this means that the Authority’s members have approved it, but it does not mean the byelaw is yet in force. The Byelaw must now go to Defra to be confirmed by the Secretary of State; only once it has been confirmed will it be in force. In the meantime, NWIFCA has now opened consultation for anyone who wishes to comment on, or object to, the proposed Byelaw.

The proposed Byelaw makes provisions for permits to be required for all static nets used within the district, whether for commercial or recreational purposes, and whether set from a vessel or from the shore (i.e. in intertidal areas). These permits would be divided into three categories:

  • Category 1 for vessels fishing commercially, with a charge of £150 per year per permit
  • Category 2 for shore-based individuals fishing commercially, with a charge of £50 per year per permit
  • Category 3 for vessels or shore-based individuals fishing recreationally, with a charge of £10 per year per permit

The Byelaw also allows the Authority to apply flexible permit conditions in association with these permits, in order to dynamically regulate the use of static nets across the district for the benefit of the affected fisheries. It also allows for entitlements to be issued to 26 Category 2 permit holders fishing commercially with static nets from the shore to retain European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) as a bycatch.

A link to the draft Netting Byelaw is provided below. If you wish to respond to the consultation, please do so by email to [email protected] or in writing to NWIFCA, 1 Preston Street, Carnforth, LA5 9BY, by Sunday 17th November 2024.

NWIFCA Netting Byelaw DRAFT