Penfold Fishery Notification – Unacceptable Levels of Litter and Marshland Disturbance

NWIFCA have evidence of significant levels of litter (cockle bags, food waste wrappers etc.)  in the vicinity of the fishery. In addition, vehicle activity is encroaching on nearby marsh.

The fishery takes place within the Ribble and Alt Estuaries SPA, Sefton Coast SAC, Ribble Estuary SSSI and Ramsar site.

The fishery is permitted in these protected areas based on the levels of activity stated in the Habitats Regulation Assessment. Damage such as littering and disturbance to the marsh land and protected features of the area must be kept to a minimum. Should these levels exceed those set out in the HRA, the fishery will be immediately suspended as stated in paragraph six of the flexible permit conditions.

All permit holders should refer to NWIFCAs Code of Conduct for Intertidal Shellfisheries for best practice.