Perch Scar and Black Scar Seed Mussel – Permits Under Restrictions on the Use of a Dredge Byelaw 2017.

Following discussion at the multi-sectoral Bivalve Mollusc Working Group (BMWG) and approval by NWIFCA Technical Science and Byelaws Sub-committee (TSB) officers are working to open a seed mussel fishery on the following beds at Fleetwood – Perch Scar (8.9ha) and Black Scar (6.1ha).

Seed mussel on these areas has a history of settling densely, growing rapidly, becoming unstable and washing away through natural processes in a matter of weeks. Officers continue to monitor the stock, and providing the mussel puts down sufficient mud to ensure protection of the cobble substrate from dredge gear and is in imminent risk of being washed away, will issue permits to dredge in accordance with NWIFCA Restrictions on the Use of a Dredge Byelaw 2017. The fishery is also subject to a Habitats Regulations Assessment.

Due to the speed at which events can occur, applications for permits are invited now and can be downloaded below or obtained from the office by emailing [email protected].

Dredge Permit Application Form

Seed Mussel Supplementary Form