The seed mussel dredge fishery in North Morecambe Bay (locally known as South America and Falklands mussel beds) is to be extended from 00:01 on 14/08/2016. The original area (Area A) is 1180 hectares and was opened on 11/07/2016. The extension area (Area B) is 66.28 hectares will be open at 00:01 on 14/08/2016. Fishers wishing to fish in Area B are requested to sign and abide to the Code of Practice (CoP) which has been agreed amongst stakeholders and stakeholders interest groups, this CoP can be viewed/downloaded here – Code of Practice – Seed Mussel Dredge 11-08-16 FINAL.
The co-ordinates and a map of this seed mussel dredge fishery can be viewed below:
To express an interest in prosecuting this seed mussel dredge fishery, please email [email protected] (preferred) or telephone 01524 727970 to request an application form.