Shellfish Association of Great Britain – Information and Events to Help Business Prepare for Potential No Deal Brexit

The Shellfish Association of Great Britain (SAGB) has recently secured funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to help shellfish businesses prepare for the possible No Deal Brexit on the 31st October.

The Business Readiness Fund has provided a grant to allow the SAGB to deliver support to the shellfish industry across the UK.

It will be delivered via three projects. The first of these projects is to produce and disseminate an Information Pack specifically for the shellfish industry. This will be made up with different sections such as exporting, EHC’s, labelling, border issues etc.

This is currently under development and will, hopefully, be available in hard copy or electronically, for distribution from 2nd October. If you would like one please email [email protected] .

Brexit Readiness Workshop is the second part and this will be held in London at Fishmongers’ Hall on the 18th October and will cover a variety of shellfish related topics of interest. SAGB are expecting there will be speakers on shellfish fishing matters, exporting procedures, importing, freight-forwarding, customs tariffs and from the Department of Trade.

If you would like to come along please email [email protected] and let SAGB know if you have any specific questions you need answering at the event.

It is likely that demand for this will be strong, and places limited, so SAGB advise early booking.

Thirdly, there will be bespoke advice available on any shellfish Brexit issues, any questions that you have for your business which you haven’t had answered yet please contact SAGB by email at [email protected]

The above will  available to ALL in the shellfish industry, members/non-members alike, so please pass on the message to those who will be interested.