South America Hand Gathered Seed Mussel Fishery

The Seed mussel fishery at South America will open to Byelaw 3 permit holders for hand gathering on 20/08/20. The authorisation is available to view and download below.

Click here to download the Authorisation

Click here to view the HRA



All Current NWIFCA Byelaw 3 Permit Holders
With effect from: 20/08/2020
Expiry Date: 18/09/2020

All current Byelaw 3 permit holders are hereby authorised, under Byelaw 3, paragraph 6 (Minimum Sizes) to fish undersized mussels from South America, in the permitted fishing and transiting area as defined in paragraph 2 and illustrated in Annex A, and are responsible for complying with the conditions given below at paragraph 1.

1. Conditions of Authorisation

This authorisation is issued subject to the following conditions.

(a)        It is only valid for the period from 20/08/2020 to 18/09/2020.

(b)        That fishing for seed mussel is only authorised west of the line B-C as defined in para. 2 and illustrated in Annex A.

(c)        That the mussels shall only be gathered by hand or with a rake.

(d)        The NWIFCA will close the fishery during periods of prolonged cold weather.

(e)        The authorisation is only valid for current Byelaw 3 permit holders. It does not allow any other person to take or remove undersized mussels.

(f)        This authorisation does not exonerate the holder from other sea fisheries legislation, nor does it prejudice any other consents the holder may need to obtain nor does it override or provide permission to go over private land.

(g)        Any fishing taking place under this authorisation shall be carried out in accordance with the Authority’s Code of Conduct for Intertidal Shellfisheries.


2. Definition of Permitted Fishing Area

Part of that area within Morecambe Bay known as South America as illustrated on the map attached at Annex A, and bound by the following co-ordinates only:

Point Lat (d.d) Lon (d.d) Lat (d m.m) Lat (d m.m)
A 54.04695 -3.11809 54° 2.817’N 003° 7.085′ W
B 54.04500 -3.10999 54° 2.700’N 003° 6.599′ W
C 54.05898 -3.10160 54° 3.538’N 003° 6.095′ W
D 54.06097 -3.10985 54° 3.658’N 003° 6.590′ W

3. Advisory Notes

(a) NWIFCA officers have the power to withdraw authorisations at any point should the need arise, and will consult with Natural England throughout the duration of the fishery. Should there be concerns that losses of mussel around Morecambe Bay is occurring which will impact on the available bird feeding resource, the NWIFCA will withdraw authorisations and close the fishery.

(b) Avoid driving vehicles over the seed mussels as far as possible. Using a single access route will avoid unnecessary damage to the mussel stock.

This authorisation may be revoked by the NWIFCA at any time and any breach of the terms or conditions of this authorisation shall make it null and void.

By Order of the Authority


Chief Executive

Annex A – South America Seed Mussel 2020 – Authorised Area for Hand Gathering

Authorised Area for Hand Gathering