Policies and Reports

Annual Plans and Reports

Every year the NWIFCA publishes an Annual Plan establishing the aims for the upcoming year and an Annual Report evaluating the previous year.


The Constitution sets out the way NWIFCA will operate by establishing the procedures it will follow. The aim is to ensure efficient, transparent and accountable decision-making in line with its purpose, vision and legal requirements.

Corporate Documents

Biosecurity PlanAdvice on prevention of introduction and / or spread of  invasive non native species and shellfish / fish disease
Communications StrategyThe overarching strategy for communications
Compliance and Enforcement StrategyThe approach taken to enforcement and compliance
Financial Administrative Penalties for Fisheries OffencesGuidance on FAPs for fisheries offences
Memoranda of UnderstandingMemoranda of understanding agreed with other organisations
Principles for Sustainable FisheriesThe standard used to guide management of fisheries
Risk Management StrategyThe Authority’s approach to risk management

Committee Meeting Reports

Copies of meeting reports are available in the Meetings Archive.

Scientific Reports and Publications

Scientific reports and publications are available below:

Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRAs)HRAs for EMSs within the district
Science Reports from external bodies or from partnership workReports created by external bodies with NWIFCA’s input or through partnership work
Crab and Lobster Stocks ReportThis report aims to give an insight into the crab and lobster fisheries within the NWIFCA district providing spatial and temporal information on effort and landings. In addition, it aims to highlight how this data can be used to inform future management.
Razor Clam Management ReportThis report outlines the considerations that need to be taken before a commercial razor clam fishery can be permitted within the district.