Privacy Notice

What do we use personal information for?

We process personal data for the following purposes:

  • To issue and manage fishing permits.
  • To provide you with information relevant to the fisheries you are involved with.
  • To manage fisheries sustainably.
  • To enforce fisheries regulations.
  • To select and recruit staff.

What information do we hold and use?

We collect and process the following information:

  • Personal information such as: Names, address, date of birth, email address, mobile numbers.
  • Fishing activity data such as: Shellfish returns, inspection reports and location of fishing activity.
  • Enforcement data such as enforcement actions taken.

Why do we use personal information?

North Western IFCA has a legal duty under the Marine and Coastal Act 2009 to manage the sustainable exploitation of sea fisheries resources within its district. The Authority cannot deliver this duty without processing personal data.

For opt in communications lists such as the stakeholder registration list we process your personal information with your explicit consent.

Do we use automated decision making?

We do not use automated decision making.

How do we collect personal information?

The majority of information is gathered directly from you through application forms, and returns forms. Officers also gather information while carrying out their duties.

Who do we share your information with?

Personal information is only shared without your consent with other statutory agencies and organisations for the detection and prevention of crime.

If you are a member of a stakeholder group (such as the Bivalve Mollusc Working Group) we may seek your consent to share your email address with other members of the group to allow group discussion.

 How long do we keep personal information for?

North Western IFCA has a retention policy in place to ensure that we only keep information while it is relevant. For example supporting documents for Byelaw 3 permits are securely destroyed after the permit is approved.

Personal information is secured in several ways depending on the format in which it is held for example:

  • Physical documents are kept under lock and key.
  • Electronic information is kept on Lake District National Parks secure network and user access controls are in place where necessary.
  • Website Form submissions are held securely for up to 31 days on the website server before deletion. Retention of email copies of forms vary depending on the nature of the content.
  • Destruction of paper documents takes place in house and to a security level of P5.

What rights do you have?

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to control the information we hold about you and how it is used. The rights available to you depend on the lawful reason your information is held. In most cases you will have the following rights:

  • To be informed of how we will process it.
  • To access a copy of what we hold about you
  • To have your information amended if incorrect or incomplete.
  • To have your information deleted (where we do not have a legal requirement to retain it)
  • To Withdraw your consent if you no longer wish us to process (if you provided consent for the information to be held)
  • To restrict how we process it
  • Object to us using it for marketing or research purposes
  • Object to us using it in relation to a legal task or in the exercise of an official authority

Should you exercise your right to object, it may not limit the information you receive from us, as we may still be required by law to provide you with certain information. If we are unable to comply fully with your request we will document and provide you with the reasons why.

Further information on your rights can be found on the Information Commissioners Website.

Who do I contact about the information you hold?

If you would like to access any of the information we hold about you or have concerns regarding the way we have processed your information, please contact our data controller:

Mark Taylor
Chief Executive Officer
1 Preston Street
Tel: 01524 727970
Email: [email protected]

If you wish to raise a complaint, we would prefer any complaints to be made to us initially so that we have the opportunity to see if we can put things right. If you are unhappy with the way we have processed your information or how we have responded to your request to exercise any of your rights in relation to your data, you can raise your concerns direct with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

North Western IFCA Privacy Notices and Data Protection Policies

Data Security Policy

This policy sets out how The Authority will keep your personal data safe.

NWIFCA IFCA Data Security Policy

Special Category Data

As part of our statutory functions, we process some special category data and criminal offence data. This personal data is more sensitive and therefore needs more protection. The following policies are the Authority’s appropriate policy documents which set out and explain our procedures for using the data safely and lawfully.

North Western IFCA Safeguards Policy: General Processing of Criminal Offence Data

North Western IFCA Safeguarding Policy – Sensitive Processing For Law Enforcement Purposes

Privacy Notices

Personal data collected by the authority will be processed in accordance with the following privacy notices.

GDPR Privacy Notice Vessel owners

GDPR Privacy Notice Permit Holders 

GDPR Privacy Notice Drone

GDPR Privacy Notice Catch Returns 

GDPR Privacy Notice Body Worn video

NWIFCA Protocol Body Worn Video Information

GDPR Privacy notice Photo consent