Recreational Sea Angling
The NWIFCA district hosts large numbers of recreational sea anglers who enjoy the benefits of the varying coastal conditions. The district covers the whole of the North West coast of England, covering around 1,000km of coastline and extends out to the six nautical mile boundary.
Sea angling brings many social and economic benefits to participants and to local communities. There are a number of angling charter boats, both boat and shore-based angling clubs, angling shops, as well as thousands of individuals not affiliated with a club located in the North West district. Regional sea fishing social media groups have in excess of 12,000 members, which reflect the importance of the sport.
Historically, the Sea Fisheries Committees that came before the IFCAs were under no obligation to assess or manage recreational fishing. Now, under the Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009), NWIFCA has a legislative duty to seek to ensure the sustainable exploitation of sea fisheries resources as well as balancing the social and economic benefits of this exploitation. The term “sea fisheries resources” means any plants or animals that live in the sea excluding migratory fish and freshwater fish (including salmon, trout, eels, lampreys, smelt, and shad).
Recreational sea angling is not regulated in the same way as commercial fishing and there is currently no record of who participates, when and where angling occurs, or what is caught. NWIFCA collects as much data as possible during routine patrols and inspections but there is still a lack of comprehensive knowledge surrounding the type, extent, and importance of sea angling in our district.
NWIFCA recognises that anglers hold a wealth of knowledge and data on fish stocks. NWIFCA wants to engage with recreational sea anglers of all descriptions and has produced our Recreational Sea Angling Strategy to facilitate and develop positive engagement. The Strategy is designed as a working document that will evolve over time, developing a dialogue with sea anglers and incorporating input and feedback we get from the sector.
Minimum Fish Sizes and Byelaws
There are a range of minimum landing sizes for various species. These are commonly referred to as minimum conservation reference sizes or MCRS for short. A full list of the minimum landing sizes for the NWIFCA district can be seen on the minimum landing sizes page. Different rules may also apply depending on where you are angling in the NWIFCA district. Foul hooking is prohibited throughout the district under NWIFCA Byelaws. Please speak with your local IFCO or contact the office for advice.
The Angling Trust has its own minimum fish size guidance and they often state sizes larger than those legally required, representing the conservation mindedness of many anglers. Their guidance can be found on their website. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has a national webpage with information on Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes for fish and shellfish.
Bass Nursery Areas
The NWIFCA district has two bass nursery areas to protect juvenile bass. Juvenile bass up to the age of 4 or 5 stay in warmer, shallower waters such as those of estuaries or near power stations until moving offshore when they reach sexual maturity. Both the Dee Estuary Bass Nursey Area and the Heysham Bass Nursery Area were originally designated through a national Statutory Instrument in 1990. Fishing in the Heysham Bass Nursery Area is also prohibited under the NWIFCA Byelaw 5. Both areas are enforced by NWIFCA officers for the protection of juvenile bass. For more information on bass, please see our bass species page.
NWIFCA is aware that our data on spawning fish and on how juvenile bass use our estuaries is very limited, but that anglers may hold a wealth of information that could prove useful in identifying essential habitats and specific areas that should be protected. We welcome your input in furthering our understanding.
Along with other active users of the marine environment, anglers can create a pathway that can cause the spread of marine invasive non-native species (INNS). INNS are both animals and plants that originate from foreign areas and can harm British native wildlife and fisheries. Marine INNS are often able to attach themselves to angling equipment, including rods and waders, which can be spread to other areas if not properly dealt with.
NWIFCA is supporting the national “Check, Clean, Dry” campaign to combat the spread of invasive species. It is important that anglers are aware of what species to look out for and check their equipment for signs of them, as well as ensuring that equipment is washed and dried between trips.
- For more details on the “Check, Clean, Dry” campaign please visit the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat website and the page specific to biosecurity for anglers.
We have also produced a Biosecurity Plan, which details what to be on the lookout for regarding invasive non-native species as well as the steps to take if you believe you have come across a non-native species.
- For more information on this, please visit the Biosecurity section of our website.